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100% to the cause

Private donors cover our operational costs so 100% of your donations go directly to the causes.

We verify

We verify the financial situation of families in need.


We focus on empowerment programs that achieve long-lasting impact.

School Breakfast Scheme

We launched a school breakfast scheme that’s funded from public donations. We work with primary schools to verify needy primary school students who go hungry

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Education Fund

We maintain an Education Fund where members of the public can donate to. This fund is used to assist deserving students in needy families in

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Brunei Needy Fund

We maintain a Brunei Needy Fund where members of the public can donate to. We use these funds to provide assistance to needy families in

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Submit your Charitable Idea!

Revolutionary or simple – we want to hear about your idea! We’re always looking for ideas on how we can better empower and support our communities in a sustainable manner. 

DONATE for a good cause

We wholly rely on public donations to continue running these charitable projects and more. All donations are greatly appreciated.


Donate via Cash Deposit Machine, Phone Banking or Online to:
BIBD 00 015 010 016 780
Whatsapp proof of deposit to:

+673 7146680 (Helpline)

+673 8754288 (Yusof Halim)

+673 8721403 (Datin Paduka Hjh Intan)

+673 8738667 (Zaiton Salim)

State the Cause you are donating to.

Thank You!

Volunteer Registration Form

Volunteers are an essential part of MKM’s success. Volunteering makes a real and positive impact to our communities and is a rewarding experience that you’ll cherish forever. You’ll meet new people, have fun, and be part of a great cause.

Fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you!